This past fall, I started serving as a counselor (aka small group leader) for 7th grade girls at Austin Chinese Church (ACC). I’ve always loved serving in youth ministry. Ever since I led my first youth small group at my Ohio church (CCCC) as a high school sophomore, I knew that was where God was calling me to serve Him. I think a big reason why I love it so much is it’s a reminder of innocence for me. No matter how much toxicity + stress I’ve experienced throughout the week, being with the youth always reminds me that the simpler things in life DO exist, and it’s like taking a HUGE breath of fresh air. For me personally, youth ministry was also a place where I found mentors through my own small group leaders. They played such significant roles in my spiritual journey because I looked up to them for guidance + encouragement.
When I moved to Austin for college and began attending ACC, I honestly didn’t expect to find myself serving once again in the youth ministry. But at the end of freshman year, I realized just how much I missed serving in youth ministry, how much I missed growing with those younger than me. Sooooo I applied to be a youth counselor!! :D And now here we are!
I was placed as a 7th grade girls counselor this year (which is super cool because the first time I ever led a youth small group was for 7th grade girls :0), and it’s been such a wild ride, in all the best ways of course. Getting to hang out with and invest in these girls every week has been one of my greatest experiences, and it’s taught me lotsa things, but there’s 3 that stick out to me the most.
If you ever walk in on our small group time, chances are, I’m laughing at something they said or did. These girls are able to make just about anything funny and they make me laugh like no other. TBH this used to frustrate me a lot because I felt that they weren’t taking the questions or our time together seriously. But over time, I began to realize the beauty of it. Of course there are times when serious-ness is warranted, but there are also times when I take myself a little too seriously and focus so much on answering the questions, that I completely lose sight of the purpose of it all. And that’s when these girls remind me that being a small group isn’t all about the Q + A, it’s more about living life together, giggling about the silly things together, and being an encouraging community of Jesus-loving gal pals together!
This was something that took me a lot longer to learn, but I think it was such an important lesson for me to realize. Often times, it becomes so easy for me to compare my own life to the lives of my 7th grade girls, and those are the times that I fail to do my job as a counselor. At each small group, we talk about our weeks, and for them, it always includes reminiscing about all the tests they had that week, the very little sleep they got, the band competitions they had, all the things they have coming up the next week, etc. etc. It is always so tempting for me to want to say, “You think YOU’VE had it tough?!? Wait till you hear about MY life, about how I had 3 exams in one day, about how I only got 3 hours of sleep on Tuesday, about how I also have to worry about finding an internship on top of all my hw, about how I have so much more to juggle than YOU.” I don’t know if you felt it while reading that, but there’s just so many things WRONG about that response. By merely thinking that, I make the situation all about ME and it’s like I’m boasting about all the things I have to do and asking for their sympathy. But as a counselor, I’m there to listen to them, to understand them, to encourage them. Being a counselor isn’t about me, it’s about God and His desire to see us grow together and spur each other on. My life is not worth complaining about when compared to God’s glory and power.
I put these two together because, really, they go hand-in-hand. Not gonna lie, there are many times when I’ve lost my patience and wanted to explode. And then there are the times when I’ve actually exploded. (I’m sorry girls >.<) I think a large part of me exploding comes from my feelings that my girls are going out of control, that they’re not answering the questions I want them to answer and not saying the things I want them to say. But I’ve learned that sometimes, the best way to love them is not to make sure we answer all the questions, but to be patient with them as they explore other topics of conversation. And despite all the times that I’ve lost my temper, they still love me and never fail to respond with grace. When I raise my voice, they won’t raise theirs in return, they won’t hate me, they’ll only love. And they show that through both their actions and their words. Their patient love exemplifies God’s grace and teaches me to love with grace each day.
Even though people always say that a counselor is so important in the lives of the youth, I actually think the youth play an equally important role in the counselors’ lives. I learn so much from my girls and although they’re younger than me, I fall short in multiple areas when compared to them. I genuinely enjoy growing with them and it is a great joy and honor to be their counselor! There’s no other way I’d wanna spend my Friday nights and Sunday afternoons! :) I love you, girls, and always will!! <3333
This one likes to take lotsa goofy selfies on my phone. (sorry for exposing you hehe!!)
When they know how obsessed you are with Eric Nam and get you his album <3333
Oh, and they are also currently trying to find me a boyfriend. I believe they are taking submissions.